Tag: dcep

China Digital Currency

易宝时 双离线支付技术介绍

雙離綫支付、一個在中國數字貨幣內陌生的詞彙, 但它的重要性卻不比其區塊鏈或加密技術為低。

在中國數字貨幣的江湖裡、更有傳言 “双離不出、誰與爭鋒?”

數字貨幣不應該是在綫支付嗎? 但是現在不但要離綫支付、還要双離綫支付!



Apple Pay 和Google Pay 在2014年中雄心壯志地推手機錢包、那是真正的双離綫支付。 可是Apple Pay 是封閉式、不支持第三方開發支付應用, 而Google Pay 代表Android OS 則受NFC短距離通訊晶片在手機的普及率過低、不被用家接受。

iBonus Limited 易寶時有限公司、獲香港政府創新基金的支持、花了六年的時間、鍥而不捨地研發應用於智慧城市票務及數字貨幣手機双離綫支付技術, 並於今年七月、獲得了國際知名Juniper Research 智慧城市手機支付金獎。

採用專利的雙二維碼及藍牙技術、唯一能支持所有iOS 和Android OS 手機雙離綫支付、而交易時間在一秒內完成。



Double Offline Payment Sandbox with HSBC bank

Sandbox of double offline payment with the HSBC bank in Hong Kong. Nov. 2nd, 2020.



API EcoBooster – Driving innovation in Open Banking. Organised by HKSTP, the programme connects developer community with HSBC as the lead partner to co-create open banking solutions. A sandbox, with over 100 banking open APIs, is provided for testing and prototyping in the areas of loan services, transactions and operation, credit card, digital payments and customer records management for retail and commercial banking.

The Demo Day will showcase 20+ shortlisted solutions after the 6-week intensive mentorship sessions, technical consultation and testing with the joint-effort by the developers, HSBC and beNovelty. We cordially invite you, from the banking industry, to join the Demo Day and explore the smart banking solutions together with a trusted network of fintechs and industry practitioners!